Step-by-step plan for oral care provider

Step-by-step plan for implementation of GigaFaaf-to-go!

When an oral care provider (dentist or dental hygienist) works with GigaGaaf! wants to get started and is looking for cooperation with a consultation agency.

      1. Discuss your plan with other dental care practices in your region. They may also be interested in this. If they are not interested in receiving young children in the practice, make arrangements about the children who will come to you. This way you prevent competition for patients.
      1. View the “KNMT practice map Dentist and youth doctor will help you on your way”.
        Collaborate with youth health care? The practice map will help you get started | KNMT
      1. Map clinics or institutions for Youth Health Care in your area.
        This can be done via the website:
        You will then have the telephone number of the main location of Youth Health Care in your region. Contact them and ask for the doctor/nurse who is at the clinic in your area.
      1. Either contact this consultation bureau (CB) yourself or ask the doctor to call you back to discuss possible cooperation.
        Another option is a written request: See the sample letter - Download sample letter requesting cooperation with a health clinic
      1. If you intend to collaborate, it is important that you are aware of each other's wishes and preconditions with regard to that collaboration.
        Map out the preconditions and wishes of both parties (oral care providers and JGZ) for cooperation.
        – See the Guidelines for the questionnaire for cooperation in dental care practices – JGZ.
        – See for this: Blueprint questionnaire to JGZ CB GigaGaaf to Go.
        – See for this: Blueprint questionnaire for GigaGaaf to Go oral care practice.
      1. Discuss the findings with the CB contact person.
      1. Ask the JGZ whether they already have an adjustment in their child file that allows the JGZ employee to direct the child to the oral care provider. See point 6 of the Step-by-step plan for the JGZ employee.
      1. Provide the JGZ with sample letters for referrals. Depending on the form of collaboration, different concepts can be chosen:
        – When using Zorgmail or other secure email system:
        a. Sample letter A Referral to parent to his or her own dental care provider.
        b. Sample letter B1 Referral to dental care provider, call child after 4 weeks.
        c. Sample letter B2 Referral to new dental care provider.
        d. Sample letter C about referral by dental care provider to parent.
        – When using hard copy references
        a. Example Parent referral card (pdf)
      1. Once the collaboration has started, it is a good idea to send a letter indicating how many dental care practices are participating and what the initial experiences are and announcing an evaluation after approximately 6 months.
        Sample letter D to dental care provider after start of collaboration.
      1. One way to provide effective prevention to children aged 0-18 years is the Gewoon Gaaf method of the Ivory Cross. See: What is Gewoon Gaaf?