Published on: October 11, 2021

With the expertise area 'Healthy Together', the HU uses education and research to reduce the health and welfare problems of people in the Utrecht city region, to increase their self-reliance and to improve their lifestyle, social and physical safety. This mission fits in well with U on Board. This PhD research from the Participation and Urban Development of Utrecht University of Applied Sciences (HU) aims to bring young Utrecht refugees on board by literally taking them on the longboard.

A collaboration was established between the research conducted by the professorship and the Social Work and Oral Hygiene courses. At first this may not seem like a logical combination, but it turns out otherwise. Because not only is the sports participation of refugee children and young people lagging behind, there is also much to be gained in the field of oral health. Oral care is not part of the general health check upon arrival of refugees. One explanation for the limited access to oral care for refugees is that the primary focus of reception is on other matters, such as settling down, language, culture and economic barriers. However, research shows that cavities (caries) in the teeth are above average in this target group and see the limited access to oral care as a challenge (Bhusari et al., 2020). Integrating preventive checks and information can contribute to better oral health of refugees. This practice-oriented research aims to contribute to this. That is why, since the beginning of 2021, dental care students have also been coming to the AZC every week to provide information. The students are supervised by a teacher-researcher from Social Work and the professorship and a dentist/teacher from Dental Care.

Also read it article 'A healthy smile thanks to longboarding' (article 3) in the e-magazine Platform Stad & Wijk.
