Published on: 20 June 2023

RVS in favor of oral care in the basic package: "It saves a lot of money in the long run"

The Council for Public Health & Society (RVS) advocates a drastic overhaul of the health care system. The advice of RVS was presented on June 19, 2023. The RV, one of the most important government advisers, concludes that the current health care system is causing the health care to come to a standstill and calls on the government to carry out 'major maintenance'. The advice proposes three major changes that will keep healthcare accessible to everyone.

The Council is in favor of dental care in the basic package: it saves a lot of money in the long run. “This illustrates the fact that we don't do a lot of things because it costs too much money now. While it costs a lot more in the long run.”

Oral care in the basic package also removes ambiguity. “Oral care for children is still included in the package, but people just don't believe it and are afraid of a bill after all,” says Bussemaker. “The result is that many generations of children now grow up with bad teeth, and you can never rectify that later in life.” (source: AD)

Ivoren Kuis endorses the advice of the RV: "The Ivoren Cross sees it as a necessity to include oral care in the basic health insurance to make care accessible to everyone." Read more about this in the previously published interview with chairman Ivoren Kruis, Albert Feilzer (Dental Tribune).

Doctors of the World and the FNV also recently did one appeal to the House of Representatives.