
For the project GigaGaaf-to-go! Various materials are available. In addition to downloads, various GigaGaaf-to-go! materials can be ordered via the webshop of the Ivory Cross.

Flyer GigaCool-to-go!

Flyer about GigaGaaf-to-go! for JGZ or oral care providers


Information brochure to give to parent/guardians (3-part)

Poster Visit to the dentist

Poster for the waiting room of the clinic (portrait format)

Poster nutrition & brushing teeth

Brochure for the waiting room of the clinic (landscape format)

Information film for parents “Healthy children's teeth”

Watch video:

E-learning module Oral care for JGZ

Many JGZ institutions have access to the JGZ academy. One of the e-learning modules is about oral care.
See JGZ Academy

Webinar “Good cooperation is behind every perfect child's teeth”

In 2023, GGD Flevoland organized the webinar “Good cooperation is behind every good child's teeth”. Speakers were Helma Ario Soeriowardojo, dental preventive employee GGD Flevoland; Dr. Lucy Smit, doctor of Society and Health; Dr. Annemarie Schuller, dental epidemiologist TNO/CTM-UMCG; Linet Weening, dental hygienist CTM-UMCG.
The webinar can be viewed at:
Good cooperation is behind every cool child's teeth! (

Further information regarding the webinar can be found at: