Nutrition and oral health go hand in hand at Vogelnest
Published on: November 9, 2021
In addition to cleaning lessons at schools, the Ivoren Cross also wants to focus on transferring knowledge to young people. The Ivoren Cross in Het Vogelnest Primary School in Bodegraven has found a great partner to do a try-out to achieve this. This primary school has healthy living high on the education program and in this experiment we will exchange experiences and in particular look at which existing material from the Ivoren Cross is sufficient and where there is still a need for it, so that we can offer more for primary education.
Primary school Het Vogelnest in Bodegraven started this school year with the Healthy School concept. This concept covers many aspects, this school has opted for the themes of nutrition and exercise. Agreements have been made about what food and drink the children may consume during the break and what kind of treats are allowed on a child's birthday.
Nutrition also includes oral health. In collaboration with the Ivoren Cross, all groups have been taught about what a healthy mouth means and which food best suits it. The lessons are adapted with the school to the different age groups. This created a continuous line in lessons for groups 1 to 8. The lessons with the experiments that show what certain nutrients do to the teeth/enamel were especially surprising for the children. Via the website of the Ivoren Kruis project "Keep your mouth healthy!" the teaching materials have been collected. The worksheets and experiments have been selected to introduce children to their oral health in a playful way. The central message of oral health is more than just the brushing lesson, but above all to make children aware of how to deal with oral health.
Not all children go to a dentist on a regular basis or receive the right dental care from home. It is therefore good that initiatives such as these are emerging. In this way, the children learn at a young age how important it is to take good care of their teeth, in combination with a healthy diet. They will also experience the benefits of this at a later age and that will have a preventive effect. Healthy starts in the mouth!