Project healthcare institutions

(h) Old the mouth healthy is a volunteer project of the Ivoren Cross for care providers in nursing and care homes. The project was set up by the Ivoren Cross to reach care providers 'at the bedside'. Project design: Volunteer oral care providers provide training to care providers in healthcare institutions so that they can provide clients/patients with the correct oral care.
Update project status
In the past year, interest from the professional groups in this project has declined. Volunteers only signed up in dribs and drabs to properly inform nursing home staff about how they can optimize the oral health of their residents as much as possible. In addition, the e-learning module needs a thorough update, which costs money. The accreditation of this operation has also expired. That is why the board of the Ivoren Cross has put this project on hold.
There is no doubt that it is still necessary for the elderly to maintain good oral health. As Ivoren Kruis, however, we do not receive a subsidy from the government and we therefore have to prioritize how we use the funds. If you have good ideas for subsidy pots and/or a different set-up for such a project, we will certainly be recommended. You can contact us via
Caregivers who want to contribute to the quality of life of clients can use the oral care tips in the Leaflet Oral care for frail elderly people.
Leaflets that are helpful in the elderly patient can be ordered in our webshop.