keyword: Water
Er zijn 4 resultaten gevonden
Artikelen waar dit trefwoord in voorkomt:
Dental erosion, how do you prevent it?
Your child can drink unlimited water and regular tea (without sugar). Alternatively, you can give milk. Limit the amount of fruit juices and acidic soft drinks or dilute them with water.
milk teeth
Your child can drink unlimited water and regular tea (without sugar). Alternatively, you can give milk. Limit the amount of fruit juices and acidic soft drinks or dilute them with water.
Eating and drinking and oral health
Your child can drink unlimited water and regular tea (without sugar). Alternatively, you can give milk. Limit the amount of fruit juices and acidic soft drinks or dilute them with water.
First tooth? To polish!
Your child can drink unlimited water and regular tea (without sugar). Alternatively, you can give milk. Limit the amount of fruit juices and acidic soft drinks or dilute them with water.