keyword: Saliva
Er zijn 4 resultaten gevonden
Artikelen waar dit trefwoord in voorkomt:
Dental erosion, how do you prevent it?
Saliva protects your teeth against dental erosion. It neutralizes the acids from food and drinks. Some medications or certain illnesses can inhibit your saliva production. Then you may be extra sensitive to…
Wear of the teeth
Saliva protects your teeth against dental erosion. It neutralizes the acids from food and drinks. Some medications or certain illnesses can inhibit your saliva production. Then you may be extra sensitive to…
Eating and drinking and oral health
Saliva protects your teeth against dental erosion. It neutralizes the acids from food and drinks. Some medications or certain illnesses can inhibit your saliva production. Then you may be extra sensitive to…
Dry mouth
Saliva protects your teeth against dental erosion. It neutralizes the acids from food and drinks. Some medications or certain illnesses can inhibit your saliva production. Then you may be extra sensitive to…