Er zijn 21 resultaten gevonden
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Advice Dry mouth (2017)
https://ivorenkruis.org/en/adviezen/advies-droge-mond-2017/ This Dry mouth advice is intended for dentists, dental hygienists and prevention assistants. The advice contains substantive aspects of the information and preventive actions that can be performed by the healthcare provider. It…Dry mouth
(download brochure) https://ivorenkruis.org/en/folders/droge-mond/Mouthwashes
https://ivorenkruis.org/en/artikelen/mondspoelmiddelen/#mondspoelmiddelen-tegen-een-droge-mondA dry mouth is caused by a lack of saliva. For example, the salivary glands produce too little saliva or stop working altogether. Many medications have a dry mouth as a side effect.…
Dry mouth
https://ivorenkruis.org/en/artikelen/droge-mond/Dry mouth
https://ivorenkruis.org/en/artikelen/droge-mond/#ik-heb-een-droge-mond-moet-ik-vaker-naar-de-tandartsSomeone with a dry mouth should visit the dentist or dental hygienist at least once every three months. Only then can the beginning damage to your teeth and molars be…
Dry mouth
https://ivorenkruis.org/en/artikelen/droge-mond/#ik-heb-een-droge-mond-is-extra-verzorging-van-de-mond-nodigIt is important that someone with a dry mouth takes extra care of their teeth, molars and gums. Remember the following: Brush your teeth twice a day with…
Dry mouth
https://ivorenkruis.org/en/artikelen/droge-mond/#hoe-zijn-de-gevolgen-van-een-droge-mond-te-bestrijdenYou can fight the consequences of a dry mouth in different ways, depending on the cause. Consult with your dentist which treatment is most suitable for you. Mouth dryness is…
Dry mouth
https://ivorenkruis.org/en/artikelen/droge-mond/#wat-zijn-de-gevolgen-van-een-droge-mond-voor-het-mondslijmvliesMucous membranes are easily irritated if the protective layer of saliva is missing. These irritations are caused, for example, by dentures, or by eating acidic or spicy food or drinking alcohol.…
Dry mouth
https://ivorenkruis.org/en/artikelen/droge-mond/#wat-zijn-de-gevolgen-van-een-droge-mond-voor-iemand-met-een-kunstgebitDentures often do not stay in place in a dry mouth. In others, a thickened layer of saliva forms between the dentures and the oral mucosa. The denture sticks…
Dry mouth
https://ivorenkruis.org/en/artikelen/droge-mond/#wat-zijn-de-gevolgen-van-een-droge-mond-voor-uw-tanden-en-kiezenIn a healthy mouth, saliva helps protect your teeth. If you don't have enough saliva, plaque builds up faster than normal. This causes cavities in your teeth more quickly…
Dry mouth
https://ivorenkruis.org/en/artikelen/droge-mond/#wat-zijn-de-oorzaken-van-een-droge-mondA lack of saliva is the cause of dry mouth. For example, the salivary glands do not secrete enough saliva. The saliva can also dry out through evaporation when breathing through the mouth.…
Dry mouth
https://ivorenkruis.org/en/artikelen/droge-mond/#wat-zijn-de-meest-voorkomende-klachten-bij-een-droge-mondYou may feel the need to moisten your mouth regularly. That need can occur both during the day and at night. Sometimes swallowing of dry food (for example…