keyword: Soft drink
Er zijn 3 resultaten gevonden
Artikelen waar dit trefwoord in voorkomt:
Dental erosion, how do you prevent it?
Cavities (dental caries) are caused by bacteria in the mouth. These mouth bacteria form acid from sugars and other carbohydrates (such as in pasta, potatoes and bread). This acid causes dental caries. Dental erosion…
Wear of the teeth
Cavities (dental caries) are caused by bacteria in the mouth. These mouth bacteria form acid from sugars and other carbohydrates (such as in pasta, potatoes and bread). This acid causes dental caries. Dental erosion…
Sensitive tooth necks
Cavities (dental caries) are caused by bacteria in the mouth. These mouth bacteria form acid from sugars and other carbohydrates (such as in pasta, potatoes and bread). This acid causes dental caries. Dental erosion…